I'm happy to report that SetFSB now works to change the FSB on the AW M11x-R2 to overclock further than the bios will limit and also underclock for additional battery life - W0000000T!!! Although I can push it further than what my bios would allow by 6mhz I still can't reach a full 166mhz although same may be able too, as always it's best to take this in small increments to avoid damage. I assume no liability in the event that something is damaged.
So far I have been able to overclock 6mhz than my bios would allow before throwing a BSOD error to 162mhz, and as low as 126mhz so far. I will do additional testing over the next day or two and post screenshots on differences in performance and battery life.
(edited version of Jstarnino's guide)
1. download SetFSB.
2. Donate.
3. he will then send u an e-mail asking you for some info that you will need to e-mail back to you.
"1. Could you tell me your SetFSB ID number?
2. The SetFSB informations
a. the motherboard(/PC) name ?
b. the chipset name ?
c. the clock generator name ? (If it is possible)"
4. When you get a reply, run SetFSB and skip the first dialog box ( just press ok for now)
5. select the clock generator to "ASUS G73JH".
6. click "Diagnosis" button.
7. click "Get FSB" button.
8. click "Capture" button.
9. send capture image to him by e-mail
10. He e-mails you back the activation key, and type it in the first dialog box that appears when you open setFSB.
After first putting in the code and setting the PLL, quit SetFSB to save the settings. From then on, you won't have to do anything fancy.
As always I will update the guide as needed.
Thanks, PM me with any questions.
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