I have a Windows XP system, running a Netgear WPNT834 router. Security is WPA2. All settings are as recommended in CNET Networking Preferred setup, as far as I can tell. This setup has functioned for several years, with both a laptop and an iPod Touch connected wirelessly with no issues. Additionally, for the past year, I have had a Samsung Blu-ray DVD player (BD-P3600) connected using a USB dongle and have streamed both Netflix and Pandora with no problems.
The problems started yesterday when I tried to connect a new Samsung TV (UN55C8000XF). Initial setup and connection was seamless and I was immediately able to download one of the Samsung apps. Upon downloading the second one, however, I received a "network interference" error. Any further attempt to start an internet app generated a "network unavailable" error message. The TV still showed the network signal as strong but no connection was possible. Additionally, no other device, including my directly wired desktop computer could connect to the internet. I was able to fix this by unplugging the router for a minute and plugging it back in. This restored internet for all devices, including the TV. However, after a few minutes of TV connection (e.g. playing Pandora), the connection drops again, sometimes taking the entire network down with it, sometimes not.
In summary, my network is stable with desktop, laptop, iPod. However, as soon as I turn on the TV and connect, the connection fails after no more than 5 minutes. Turning off the TV for a few minutes and then back on will restore the connection for another 5 minutes or so. Sometimes the failed connection will result in my router not working for any device. Turning the router off and then back on invariably fixes everything. Mysteriously, the Blu-ray player, which had worked for months without issue, now also precipitates this problem just like the TV does (Blu-ray player shows message "Connection is unstable. Please try again later").
Is this a problem that can be fixed? Is this a Samsung issue or a router issue? Is the router too old to handle the traffic? Can I fix everything by getting a new router? If so, what should I get? I would like to stick with Netgear.
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