Thursday, March 17, 2011


What is needed to diagnose a BSOD? I experience this often, usually when watching a video or playing a game. Help is appreciated.

Reply 1 : BSOD

For decades I've used all sorts of information to look at these issues. From make, model, age, stories, diagnostics and fast forward to today, scanning for malware and even... swapping in a clean HDD to quick install the OS so to avoid the old damaged OS issue.

Good question. It seems there is no document on how to do this after all these years.

Reply 2 : BSOD

An issue has come up with the most recent version of Flash as it relates to watches YouTube or playing games that involve the Flash Player.. Try the steps below to see if it helps:

It seems the problem comes from hardware acceleration that Flash v10 uses (V9 doesn't exhibit this issue.)

So first, check if you can see the Flash animation (banner) without the system crashing at:

Don't worry, it's not a video, it shouldn't crash -- if it does, this won't fix your issue. If it works without crashing, right-click on the Flash animation (banner) and uncheck "Enable hardware acceleration" from the Settings panel. You should now be able to view the Flash videos without crashing the computer.

Hope this helps.


Reply 3 : BSOD

if flash is dying, it's likely a symptom of something being misconfigured on the PC. flash under win7 is pretty stable with a properly configured PC. something else is probably amiss.

Reply 4 : BSOD

But since most are incapable of finding a video driver that works, changing this setting which puts it back to how Flash has worked for years is a very good fix.

Reply 5 : BSOD

Just one example from the XP forum:

Hope this helps.


Reply 6 : BSOD

There is no sure fire way to diagnose BSOD. To start, make sure your PC is configured to save crash dump files. You will need to download Microsoft Debugging Tools to read these crash dump files. Those files should point you in the right direction

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